Data Protection
Keeping your data safe and increasing transparency are important to us. Our Privacy Notice explains how we use your personal information and how you can exercise your privacy rights
Data Protection Information Audit
General Data Protection Regulation Policy
Arminghall village hall
A building survey report was carried out by North & Hawkins Building Consultancy in January 2022, please see attached survey report. Please note section 3.4 Cost Summary Report, is only part of the costs, NOT total costs. There are substantial additional costs that need to be taken into consideration, these include the following;
There is no incoming main water supply onsite, WC or kitchen facilities. A mains water supply and adequate foul drainage should be provided if the building is intended to be used for social events alongside a WC and kitchen.
The treatment of extensive woodworm, as previously identified.
Fire Extinguisher Service and Test Certificate (Arminghall village hall)
Information Commissioners Office - Certificate of Registration
Civility & Respect Pledge Certificate
Freedom of Information
A guide for public attending and speaking at meetings
Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
Local Governments Association Code of Conduct
Policy Regarding Consultation on Planning Applications
Record Management - Appendix 1
Record Management - Appendix 2
Risk Assessments
Chain Saw Operator Risk Assessment
Guidance to users and risk assessment of the Raking Pit
Hedge Trimmer Operator Risk Assessment
Strimmer / Brush Cutter Operator Risk Assessment