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Planning Applications - Caistor St Edmund and Bixley Parish Council

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Parish Councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.  A summary of the most recent planning applications in the Parish will be published here.  Further details can be found on the District Council website planning applications search page â€‹


Financial Year 2024/25:


Field South of Manor Farm, Arminghall - Ref: 2025/0042.  Proposal: Change of use of agricultural field to dog exercise field and associated operational development.  Status: Pending consideration.


Old Hatchery Barn, Markshall Lane, Markshall - Ref: 2024/2977.  Proposal: Amended windows and window openings to the eastern gable on both floors and re-design of internal layout.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 20th November 2024.


Parish Rooms, Armimghall Lane, Arminghall - Ref: 2024/2934.  Proposal: Refurbishment and extension of village hall to provide kitchen, washroom and stores.  Status: Pending consideration.


Caistor Cottage, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2024/2849.  Proposal: Erection of residential annexe.  Status: Pending consideration.


Long Barn, Markshall Lane, Markshall - Ref: 2024/1792 (Householder) & 2024/1793 ( Listed Building Consent).  Proposal: Proposed front single storey extension and insertion of Velux window to rear elevation.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 25th September 2024.


Grain Store, NorthArminghall Lane, Arminghall - Ref: 2024/1971.  Application Type: Prior Notification - Agricultural to flexible use.


Old Hatchery Barn, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2024/1393.  Proposal: Altered structural opening and repositioning of wood burner as amendment to approved Listed Building Application 2023/3831.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 17th July 2024.


65 Caistor Lane - Ref: 2024/1178.  Proposal: Erection of front porch.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 3rd June 2024.


1 Railway Cottages, Stoke Road, Arminghall - Ref: 2024/0988.  Proposal: Replacement conservatory roof.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 16th May 2024. 


Financial Year 2023/24:


Caistor Hall, Stoke Road - Ref: 2024/0408.  Application Type: Listed Building Consent.  Proposal: New single storey building for use as event space.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 23rd December 2024.


Caistor Hall, Stoke Road - Ref: 2024/0407.  Application Type: Full Planning Permission.  Proposal: New single storey building for use as event space.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 23rd December 2024.


Caistor Hall Hotel, Stoke Road - Ref: 2024/0287.  Proposal: Refurbishment and remodelling of former coach house to form new bistro.  Erection of event space building and new lobby.  Status: Pending consideration.


Old Hatchery Barn, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2023/3830.  Application Type: Householder.  Proposal: Single storey extension, cantilevered bay windows to the eastern gable on both floors and re-design of internal layout.  Landscaping works to both the front and rear gardens and erection of car port with lean-to roof to the front.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 4th April 2024. 


Old Hatchery Barn, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2023/3831.  Application Type: Listed Building Consent.  Proposal: Single storey extension, cantilevered bay windows to the eastern gable on both floors and re-design of internal layout.  Landscaping works to both the front and rear gardens and erection of car port with lean-to roof to the front.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 4th April 2024. 


Car park at Venta Icenorum, Stoke Road - Ref: 2023/2710.  Proposal: Extension to existing car park, including pavilion building, cycle storage, hard and soft landscaping, bollards, ANPR camera, pay machine and signage, including new field access and gate.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Development Management Committee), 21st December 2023.


Car park at Venta Icenorum, Stoke Road - Ref: 2023/2711.  Advertisement Consent.  Proposal: Erection of non-illuminated information signage within the existing and proposed car park.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Development Management Committee), 21st December 2023.


5 Old Church Close - Ref: 2023/2426.  Proposal: Two storey rear extension.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 29th September 2023.


Caistor Cottage, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2023/1246.  Proposal: New residential annexe.  Decision: Refusal (Development Management Committee), 2nd October 2023.


24 Caistor Lane - Ref: 2023/0803.  Proposal: Rear single storey flat roof extension with glazed roof lantern and overhanging roof to provide covered seating area.   Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 26th May 2023.


Queen Anne House, Caistor Lane - Ref: 2023/0759.  Proposal: Installation of a Greenhouse (8ft x 10ft6).  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 9th May 2023.


Financial Year 2022/23:


Stone Cottage, Arminghall Lane - Ref: 2023/0710.  Proposal: Proposed construction of workshop/double garage and changes to design and layout of the approved planning permission ref: 2016/0287.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 17th May 2023.


Caistor Cottage, Markshall Lane - Ref: 2023/0100.  Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor rear extensions.  Garage conversion to include extension and associated landscape works.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 17th April 2023.


45 Caistor Lane - Ref: 2022/2395.  Proposal: Front extension and alterations to include replacement dormer windows.  (Resubmission of 2021/2651).  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 26th January 2023.


Land North of Caistor Lane - Ref: 2022/2148.  Proposal: Hybrid Application: Part 1.  Detailed proposals for a 25.5 hectare country park together with associated infrastructure.  Part 2.  Outline proposals with all matters reserved, except for access, for a residential development of up to 180 no. dwellings, serviced site for a new 420 place primary school, serviced site for a new community building, Step 7 FA standard football pitch and a package of improvements to Caistor Lane.  Status: Pending decision.  Parish Councils submitted objection.


Land to the rear of 79 and 81 Caistor Lane - Ref: 2022/2135.  Proposal: Outline permission (with all matters reserved) for three detached single storey dwellings with garages and gardens.  Decision: Refusal (Delegated), 2nd June 2023.


13 Southwood Drive, Caistor St Edmund - Ref: 2022/1800.  Proposal: Remodelling existing dwelling to include increasing the roof height and two storey side and rear extensions.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 10th November 2022.


53 Caistor Lane, Caistor St Edmund - Ref: 2022/1208.  Proposal: Garden room to rear.  Decision: Approval with Conditions, 10th August 2022.


26 Caistor Lane, Caistor St Edmund - Ref: 2022/0638.  Proposal: Demolish existing single storey extension and conservatory and replace with two storey and single storey rear extensions.  Proposed flat to pitched roof over garage.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 10th August 2022.


Parish Councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.


The planning authority (which is usually South Norfolk Council) allows a Parish Council 21 days to respond to a planning application. 


Members of the public are encouraged to provide their own comments on South Norfolk Council's planning pages.  Guidance with regards to commenting on an application can be found on District Councils website


Whilst the overall decision is the planning authority’s, the Parish Council’s local knowledge, combined with an understanding of the planning process, means that its views are more likely to be heard by the planning authority, so long as the Parish Council provides valid planning ‘material considerations’.


The Parish Council’s comments can be found on South Norfolk Council’s planning pages.

Report a Problem

Caistor St Edmund and Bixley Parish Council

1 Meadow Cottages

Gull Lane

Framingham Earl


NR14 7PN


Contact Us

Mrs Yvonne Wonnacott - Parish Clerk

Tel: 01508 493134


Please note that the Parish Clerk works part-time and is contracted for an average of 6 hours per week.  The preferred communication method for enquiries is email, and the Parish Clerk will endeavour to respond within 5 working days.  The office hours are Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.00pm, excluding Bank Holidays.  Please note correspondence sent to the Parish Clerk may be forwarded onto the full Parish Council and/or to individual members of the Parish Council.



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